The main project objective is to provide opportunities for quality employment to vulnerable young people at poverty risk such as orphans, that are out of social protection facilities at the age of 18 without any possibility to continue in high education or enroll for additional out – of – school courses due to financial reasons, children of working poor people, young people in rural areas, single parent young people, minority groups young graduates. The specific project objective is to develop and implement a training program for specialized digital competences, such as digital design, graphics, 3D animation, game design for these young people that otherwise cannot afford to obtain hi-tech knowledge due to restrictions coming from their financial situation. The project strives to achieve this through developing, equipment and piloting of the program with involvement of actors at different levels – business supporting organizations with focus on creative industries, organizations for psychological and social help and youth organizations.
For this purpose, the Human Resources Development Agency/HRDA/, that is the leading project partner, will purchase and equip an office for training of specific digital competencies such as graphic design, graphics, 3D animation and other computer competences. The HRDA team will coordinate with the other partners through a developed project management and implementation guidelines that will be provided to all project partners that will indicate the project management structure, internal and external communication strategies and guidelines, assistance in reporting, mitigation of possible risks and bottlenecks, procedures for follow-up and evaluation of project impact.
Solutions Brief Therapy and Counselling Centre – Ruse, has developed this platform for motivational and psychological help for vulnerable young people at poverty risk at the age between 18 and 29 in order to motivate them to enroll and take qualification courses. Solutions Centre has the specific task within the project to develop and incorporate in the trainings motivational modules and to develop also an online tool for motivation and psychological support which fit directly within its scope of activity and specialized expertise.
The project`s main result is a developed and piloted training program to boost target groups` access to acquiring specialized competences for employability and self – esteem as well as providing a new perspective to learning interactions and problem solving. The transnational nature of the project and its transferability approach and interdisciplinary penetration directly helps to increase the intensity of cooperation of key actors in the partner countries.
The project CODE benefits from a 2 300 000 € grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants/ www.eeagrants.org / www.norwaygrants.org /