
If at this time I find it difficult to think of a really useful question,
I might consider one or some of these:

  • What are my resources and how can I use them right now?
  • What am I best at…?
  • … And what else am I good at?
  • How can I use these skills and abilities of mine right now?
  • Who can I rely on? How can s/he help me right now?
  • Who else might be of help to me, and how?
  • What might be the best goal for me from this moment on?
  • What might be the most useful and the smallest possible step to my goal that I can take right now?
  • How have I overcome, or coped with, similar situations in the past? How can I use the knowledge I have acquired?
  • What have I considered doing, but didn’t dare to do it yet? Should I give this idea a try?
  • Because it happened first, and then became a habit.
  • Because this is how my energy is organized now.
  • Because I am alive.
  • Because I say so.
  • Because we love each other (in cases of conflict).

Astral Key to Personal Development

The Astral Key to Personal Development is a visual reminder of the basic elements of self-motivating and personal development: Thinking-Questioning-Answering-Doing-Observing-Reviewing. It uses the Ridamus – a unique Estonian constellation that consists of the brightest 12 stars in the Northern hemisphere sky. One can imagine his/her personal developmental stages as consecutive movement from one of the stars in the constellation to the next one, and then repeating the cycle: